Swinging is often simply brings down to "a partners exchange". However, for those who know something about it, swinging is much more, it is a whole new life style.

Swinging is a kind of philosophy that gives you a new way of looking at sex and relationships between people. It also requires acceptation of a new perspective on yourself in relations to others. Swinging, as such, is only for people who are emotionally mature and responsible for their decisions and actions. Why? Because it pulls individuals out from boring yet comfortable conventional reality they are used to live in, and it forces them to think. The positive side-effect of swinging is that it broadens people horizons and thus it opens them to new opportunities and new “others”. Swinging should always be a conscious individual decision, a decision that allows each one of us to look inside ourselves and to re-evaluate everything that has been imposed on us as the only right truth. The world, contrary to what some are desperately trying to convince us, is not black and white, and therefore, everyone deserves a chance to make their own decisions on how they want to live.