Blondes have more fun? Yes, they do, and now even science confirms it!

We all heard the old saying that blondes have more fun and wondered is there any truth in it.
It occurs that women with light hair are more confident and amorous. It might sounds weird but scientists claim that bleaching hair really does wonders.
Women with blond hair have better self-image, they feel more attractive, more independent and even become more adventurous in the bedroom!
However, if you want to have even more amazing sex life, you should know that redheads apparently have on average the highest number of sexual partners and they have sex more often than women with any other hair color.
But lets get back to blond. Blonde influences women's professional and family life as well. They have courage to speak to their bosses and colleagues and ask for a rise.
It's possible that blonde hair were one of the reasons behind some great careers like of Marilyn Monroe or Scarlett Johansson. Especially, since according to researches those who dye their hair are more likely to perform, sing or dance in front of an audience.
We women perfectly know the magical effect that changing hair has on our mood. Apparently scholars become interested on that subject too and wanted to know more. One of them was Mark Sergeant from Nottingham Trent University, who asked more than 200 women how they felt before and after dyeing their hair.
Dr Mark Sergeant said:
'Colouring your hair may seem like an art to most people, but there is actually a lot of science behind it. The changes we noted in the study in participants' behaviour was amazing.
'Not only were their confidence and mood levels elevated but also their inhibitions seemed to be mitigated with many reporting feeling more attractive and sexually exciting.
'Across the board participants viewed colouring their hair as something that raised their confidence.
'They were prepared to ask for things they wouldn't normally be confident enough to ask for, such as pay rises or time off.'
Interestingly enough, reasons for dying hair were different among women in different age groups. Younger women were mostly coloring their hair to get somebodies attention or to reinvent themselves for some kind of big event or important moment in their life.
For older women the priority was to keep a young look by covering up of grey hair.
The numbers are amazing... since almost 80 % of asked, answered they would prefer blonde than any other colour. At the same time, black, which is on the opposite color scale, was the least popular one.
Unfortunately, there is also a "dark side" to being blond. Studies showed that brunettes are more successful in work and they earn more money than blondes. What is more, two thirds of the world's richest men have a brown-haired partner, so if you want to marry a milioner, you should better forget about blond.