In 1996, psychologist Henry Adams from the University of Georgia, invetigated relation between homosexuality and homophobia. He investigated erotic arosual in a group of straight men who never had negative feelings towards homosexuals and in a group of homophobic streight men. Adams shown in both groups sexually explicit videos of heterosexuals, lesbain and gay men. In the same time penile arousal of viewers was measured by a special tool-plethysmograph. Result reveild and "ugly truth": men from both gorups were sexually aroused watching movies of straight couples and lesbians, however only the homophobic men became aroused watching male homosexual videos.
Conclusions: next time think twice before you say you "hate" gays
If you want to know more on this subject check: O. S. Johnson, The Sexual Spectrum: Why We're All Different, Vancouver Raincoast Books, 2004.