Every day we are bombarded by contra dictionary images and information. Women should be sexy but not too sexy, smart but not too smart, kitty in the kitchen and a tiger in bed. We should have carers but also be mothers and housewives. We can be anybody we want... but in the end we don't have time to fulfil even one of many roles prescribed to us and still have time to live! Even our sex life has strict guidelines. First we "are allowed" to explore and experiment... only to discover that later we are expected to change ourselves over night and forget who we were a week ago, what did we like, what did we enjoy.
"Young women today are generally encouraged to explore, to find themselves, to be sexually open, but then are expected to somehow simply shut down as individuals when they get married and "settle down". Bu they don't actually, naturally shut down. They simply have an enforced response because of social conditioning, which demands that we stop being people and start being wives."
Jenny Block, Love, sex and life in an open marriage